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Managing prostate cancer symptoms.

Living with prostate cancer can be challenging, so it’s important to take care of both your physical and mental health. Good communication with your health care team, finding support in your community, exercising and eating well are just a few ways you can take charge of your health and maximize your quality of life.

Physical health.

Taking good care of yourself means eating well, maintaining a healthy weight, and staying as active as you can. If you eat enough protein and healthy foods, you’ll keep your weight up and have more energy for the activities you enjoy.

During treatment, you may not feel hungry, and food may not taste like it usually does. It is important for you to take in essential nutrients, maintain your weight, and stay physically active during your recovery. If you find eating or exercising to be difficult, work with a registered dietitian or your doctor to help make sure you meet your nutritional needs.

Mental health.

Talk to your friends and family often about how you’re feeling, both physically and mentally. You may also want to seek support from a counselor, a trusted medical professional, or others who have prostate cancer.

Some research shows that joining a support group has health benefits beyond the simple relief of sharing your story and working through your feelings—there can be actual improvements to quality of life and survival as well.1 Also, others who have prostate cancer can share tips on dealing with practical problems or coping with side effects. Support groups can also be helpful for your family members.

You can easily find support groups online or get a recommendation from your health care team. Not all groups are the same, so if the first group you try isn’t right for you, it may be worth trying a different group. Some support groups may charge a fee. Check with your insurance provider to see if the fees may be covered.

For more help.

Your CareTeam is available to help you manage your symptoms, find support, and help you take care of both your physical and mental health.

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1National Cancer Institute web site. Accessed November 7, 2018.